A Game About Digging a Hole is a nonstop action-fest of pure adrenaline-pumping oh wait no it's a game about digging a hole. This new indie game by cyberwave is the perfect mix of classic gameplay with a modern format. Clocking in at 2-ish hours, what this game lacks in depth or variety it makes up in hole-digging. Seriously though, it's a really f
A Game About Digging a Hole Explained
A Game About Digging a Hole is a nonstop action-fest of pure adrenaline-pumping oh wait no it's a game about digging a hole. This new indie game by cyberwave is the perfect mix of classic gameplay with a modern format. Clocking in at 2-ish hours, what this game lacks in depth or variety it makes up in hole-digging. Seriously though, it's a really f
ISO 13485 Lead Auditor Training
Kelmac Group® offers an industry-leading ISO 13485 Lead Auditor Training Course, designed for professionals aiming to become certified lead auditors in the medical device quality management system (QMS) sector. This intensive training equips participants with the expertise to plan, conduct, manage, and lead audits against ISO 13485:2016 requiremen
kolekcjonerski dowód osobisty
# Po?ród ch?odnych ?cian laboratorium Instytutu Polarnego w Tromsø, profesor Magnus Larsson z najwy?sz? ostro?no?ci? rozk?ada z?ó?kni?ty dokument.*Opracowanie: Tomasz Wielecki**Warszawa, 24.02.2025*Na kartach historii awangardy artystycznej odnajdujemy niezwyk?? histori? protestu, który manifetowa? si? poprzez tworzenie fa?szywych dokumentów.N
prawo jazdy kolekcjonerskie
# W niewielkim, klimatyzowanym pomieszczeniu Instytutu Polarnego w Tromsø, profesor Magnus Larsson ostro?nie rozwija po?ó?k?y dokument.*Opracowanie: Tomasz Wielecki**Warszawa, 24.02.2025*W mrocznych zakamarkach historii sztuki modernistycznej kryje si? fascynuj?ca opowie?? o buncie, który przybra? nieoczekiwan? form? urz?dowych dokumentów.Nowe